Productive family farms provide food security and employment for a growing population in developing countries. However, individual farmers require supporting networks able to provide knowledge and capital. Our goal is to strengthen Farmers’ Organizations, but also, to make sure that Farmers’ Organizations know how to keep strong for many years to come.
The core of the support to farmers is the cooperation between Farmer’s Organizations, Finnish experts and us, also called “twinning”. Twinning is FFD’s way of applying farmer-to-farmer approach in practice. FFD defines twinning as institutional development by creating a peer-to-peer relationship between organizations with similar values with the purpose of working together for a common goal and learning from each other.
Efficiency, effectiveness and quality
The performance of FFD is based on our theory of change and is measured and verified by performance management. Performance management emphasizes the learning process, which collects and interprets information to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of FFD’s work at three levels: FFD as an organization, the twinning organization and partner organizations. Monitoring and evaluation verify the best practices and lessons learnt that can be used to continuously develop both projects and program activities. Project monitoring is supported by the project result chain. The evaluations are planned to benefit both the partner organization and FFD. Therefore, the active involvement of partner organizations in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of their recommendations is key.