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Our 2024 updated Gender and Inclusion Guidelines can be found here.


Video: Women, crucial actors of rural development


Out of people who live in extreme poverty, the majority are women. Poor women have less influence on their own lives, they have less access to resources and fewer opportunities than men do. The lack of equal conditions is jeopardizing women’s full participation in society, women’s voices are not heard as a consequence to their lack of power, and their contributions to social development are marginalized and become less visible.

Gender equality is a fundamental human right. It is an integral prerequisite to achieving sustainable development and reducing poverty. Paying attention to gender in development cooperation work has immense positive potential for economic efficiency, livelihood resilience, technology adoption, resilient livelihoods and value chains, and wider development benefits.


Empowered women can work alongside men as problem-solvers and agents of change, thus maximising the ability of farmers and their communities to respond to the ambiguities of climate change and other challenges. The evidence is overwhelming that gender inequalities keep people, communities and nations poor, whilst levelling inequalities and promoting women's empowerment brings huge benefits.

FFD works to strengthen gender equality to achieve resilient and sustainable farming livelihoods, and to empower women to raise their voice and express their needs. FFD sees strong farmers' organisations and cooperatives as active contributors to economic, social and political development. Together with Smallholder Producers’ and Farmers’ Organizations FFD is developing women’s technical capacity and ability to innovate in agriculture, strengthening their participation in decision-making and their right to benefit from their work, promoting their ability to campaign for their rights, and strengthening their access to, and management of, productive resources. Smallholder Producers’ and Farmers’ Organizations know that empowering women empowers families and communities and strengthens the sustainability and overall returns of farming.


FFD considers gender equality in all our projects as a cross-cutting theme. Indeed, through focusing on women’s rights and their inclusion in decision-making women gain more influence and families increase income to be spent on food, health and education. When necessary activities targeted at women and girls are supported, with the inclusion of men and boys integrated to support this work. When designing and monitoring projects, gender equality and the position of women are given a wide and constant attention. FFD increases the participation of women in projects and in the activities of farmers organizations.

FFD makes sure to empower women in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture, to facilitate their participation in decision-making, as well as the recognition and consideration of their rights.  FFD also strives to act as pioneer and as an example of equality. Comprehensive information on the status and equality of women is collected and these finds are applied to practices.

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Our 2024 updated Gender and Inclusion Guidelines can be found here.

See also…