International web conference: Multidimensional resilience – smallholder producers and farmers managing risks


JUNE 11, 2020

Thank you everyone for attending the conference June 11, 2020!

Conference mission

In the face of COVID-19 smallholder farmers and forest producers face the challenge of how to balance between short term shocks and longer-term risks such as climate change. One of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis is the disruption of agricultural and forestry supply chains and a re-shuffling of actors. 


After an international web consultation and a technical workshop (June 9 and 10), these critical issues have been discussed on June 11 in an international web-conference hosted by Food and Forest Development Finland (FFD), AgriCord and Forest and Farm Facility (a partnership between FAO, IIED, IUCN and AgriCord) in collaboration with the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) and Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO)

The goals of the conference were:

• To gain understanding of Forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs)consultations and strategies (locally, nationally, regionally) in demonstrating greater resilience, with specific focus on climate change and Covid-19 responses.

• To engage institutional stakeholders around this topic, increase their awareness in FFPOs resilience, to provide recommendations to these actors, and to exchange best practices and tools for increased resilience

• To formulate policy recommendations to promote pathways to resilience, with a specific focus on climate change and Covid-19. Recommendations from the International web conference can be downloaded here in PDF in English and French.


The summary of the conference can be found in the video clip below.

Conference in social media

See most recent updates on the conference facebook page , twitter and on our youtube page. Welcome! #multidimensionalresilience