Our projects - Central America
January 2021 - December 2022
The project strengthens capacities of Honduran coffee producer cooperatives. The focus of the capacity building is on “Strengthening of resilience and planning, implementation and monitoring of inclusive adaptation measures”. At the local level, capacities of two project cooperatives, Cafescor and Caruchil, will be strengthened.
Coffee is the main value chain for both cooperatives. The sector is highly important in the Western part of Honduras and it is assessed to remain so even when climate change advances. The project is targeting two coffee cooperatives and their members.
The project addresses: 1) Improved quality and provision of services by FOs to their members focusing on increasing market participation of members, especially women and youth, in climate change context, 2) Strengthened FO legitimacy and involvement in development and implementation of sustainable and inclusive public policies.
The cross-cutting themes are focusing on gender aspects and women's empowerment and climate change, which enables the cooperatives to master the themes and integrate them fully into the functioning.
The project started in January 2021.